Welcome!My name is Akos(red eye)

- Sleep (Every day alarm, 24 years ago. 00:00-02:00)

- Trauma again (e.g. dog, jobless)

- Health (window washer, perfume, feeling hungover, noise)

- Demoralization (They steal my things)

I am looking for a job Europass certificate: http://akos.work.hu/

Iam kontakt:


Tel.: (+45) 91116818

E-mail: akosmobil0814@gmail.com

I'm not a doctor: Paranoid schizophrenic people write such things, very dangerous!!! it's more dangerous if I not write! The psychologist told me to write. The doctor's word is sacred! The teacher child was behaving strangely. She tore her hair when she was upset. No one ever hurt him. Why is my family? Illness is not a sin! Just a Status! In memory of Aunt Valika and Uncle Laci (their child died in a motorcycle accident)! Trauma killer! They loved me as if I were their own child! " The Mr teacher was not happy about it!" Teacher their relative . I was placed in a foster home twice. Once with my brothers. Second time alone. We moved into a new apartment (current address, Hungary Gödöllő) Aunt Valika and Uncle Laci taught and fed us a lot. Uncle Laci taught me how to assemble a car. Aunt Valika delicious food. Everyone was happy. Mom took me on trips a lot. It lasted until now!! Mom was hospitalized. My brothers and I were taken to a foster home ( In the semester certificate. 1 piece, 4 songs, music. All 5 of them. Gödöllő 2, max 3, studies. ) . Me again later. In retrospect, I think they hurt me because they wanted to hurt someone. There are two options: Mother or Aunt Valika and Uncle Laci, or all three. They just steered me in the wrong direction. Not sure, just me thinking! Late 80s, early 90s. I went to prison because I didn't work (KMK. avoiding dangerous work). My cousin's classmates were guard (their name: Stereo). I'm freed. hit by two cars twice me. One: "Csinos" Another: "Misa", his partner "Sasi" (carpenter Babatvölgy. Nowadays.), Gy. Hényel works as a car import. First time: I go windshield my head him . I survived Second time: left side my was swept away by high speed car (trauma). two people were also hit by a car. "Squirrel" is dead. MZ. became a cripple. he died not long ago. He it frozen. https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=3323454874540883&id=1444585085761214&set=a.1448729692013420&locale=nb_NO https://index.hu/.../a_ge_hungary_nyerte_a_paks_2.../ https://hvg.hu/.../20180116_Paks_II_turbinatender_a_GE... The translation is not flawless. I work to make it good! I'm worth as much as they are. Those who caused the trauma. Fight or run! I didn't fight, I wasn't suicidal. Next year I'll show you how trauma and the mob kill without a gun. I live in a social block (György Gémesi). Trauma demoralize : First, the window was shot because a dog( border collie) bit me, and I shot the owner in the back with a slingshot (not a gun! 30 year old man. I saw five again). They regularly sent dogs to me, I didn't stop working. All identity cards and bank cards have been stolen. They sent me because I don't have an identity card, i don't have driver licence I can't drive. 2020 -1998-1999: I didn't fight the , I was the tool who can later be held responsible ("Underworld I am, Por 2.0") I didn't go to the police. For what? The police were there in front of the Boss (Péter, András) Police car in front of the house of two bosses (Péter, András). Who else worked here? Athletes in local karate . including the driver of """Gyuri""" . University students, security duties. (2014: Babatvölgy manager. V. László GATE HÖK) https://www.facebook.com/100002223277682/videos/2454904874842728/ ---Story continuation: The problems started again after: 2008 ("mother was spared"") . Mom is dead . I didn't get help. I couldn't funeral mom. I took the urn home. There was no funeral. -2010: I met an old acquaintance, it's a shame to help, he doesn't have a driver's license. I drive his car. I took it to steal, 1 cross motorcycle 2000 euro damage. + a police case was pending in Gödöllő. The police investigation was closed after 7 months, I didn't do this! I didn't fight! The police came and put me on the ground and held a gun to my face. Gödöllő police station On July 22, 2010, I sat alone in the police car for about 45 minutes, I almost suffocated. It was hot in the sun. I was afraid. The police took me to the Rétsági Police Station. The police took me to prison, 7 months in prison. The investigation is over, I'm out of jail. Court punishment + 1 year in prison. -2011-2012: Employment terminated. I asked Gémesi. Gy. help me get back to work here. I really needed a job. It didn't help! Posted by I am unfit for work. Later I mentioned to him what happened at the turn of the millennium! I shouldn't have! --2014 "" VV Anett tea session: Béres did not follow the forest path either, climbed over the fences, saw deer, although she does not know if the latter are real. From time to time, panic came over her that she was left alone, in a nightmare. She ran for hours, it was already half dark when she arrived at a high lookout. "" Gödöllö Babatvölgy: I stood at the horse's neck for 30 minutes. Veterinarian Sterilize this horse. Horse screamed in fear. I was told to hold the horse's neck if he fell so he wouldn't hit his head. I kept it for 30 minutes. The horse screamed a lot! The horse was very scared!!! Those who were there went to university here in the 90s, these people also worked for the city of Godollo at that time! On this day. These people who were here work at the GATE Live music pub. Law enforcement work V. László HÖK management. This happened to me too. I drank a lot of lemon water (Babatvölgy). I polished paint. I walked next to a defek wheel and a busy road. Then I drove it into my nose with an air freshener. Inflammation in my brain. I guess! Soon my health was bad. I slept a lot. I am Short loss of consciousness (0.1-0.5 sec) electric shock feeling. I experienced the same thing, I fell asleep, Woke up: 1. Big bang 2. panic , 3. escape 4. I'm tired, I go home . repeat : 1. Big bang 2. panic , 3. escape 4. I'm tired, I go home . 3 week. 2018: szaboakos.van.hu , 2024: (RĹDE Nasjonalt ankomstsenterc similar). The doctor said when I went to the hospital: how good I look, such people are usually injured, dirty. I was clean the second time, just tired. I went home. after two days: I was an employee of Waberer's. I went to "Babatvölgy" for occasional work. Wabi my job stopped. I bought a plane ticket to Oslo. The day when I had to travel, I woke up to a loud noise at dawn (for 24 years between 00:00 and 02:00, someone regularly woke me up like this (heartbeat). I took a bath and left for the airport. It was stolen my HDD, Budapest. 2014! I went to the airport. I had a flashmob around me ( 2024. Copenhagen train station, Fiskketor, Oslo railway station). I felt bad, I went back downtown. I went to Waberer's, I ask for the unreceived payment (I didn't receive it) . I went to Auchan. I went to the bus stop, I got on the bus. I started to feel dizzy, got off, felt very strange. I panicked for three weeks, went home to sleep, 30-40 minutes (every time when I started sleeping this was), someone made a lot of noise, I woke up, I escape. Psychiatric opinion: -moderate depression. -unspecified anxiety. -mixed type of schizoaffective disorder. -Other persistent paranoid (delusional) disorder. -paranoid schizophrenic Doctors (psychiatrist): -Dr Péter H. - szakértő!!!(Specialist) -Dr D. Sarkany. -Dr I. Herczeg. -Dr B. Tóth. -Dr V Makkos. -Dr E. Csomos. Elmeorvosi szakértő(Alienis Specialist) -Dr Ágnes G. Szakorvos +Kölni kórházban(Psychologist in hospital Cologne). 2 db Ügyvéd(Lawyer) + Köln Hospital -Dr Z. Varga. -Dr J. Berecz. 4 year medicines,2014-2018: -helex 05mg(alprazolam). -parnassan 10mg (olanzapin). -depakine-chrono 500mg -rivotril 2mg (Clonazepam) -frontin 0.5mg(Alprazolamum) -valdoxan 25mg -fluanxol (depot injection,egy hónap) -scipa 1 mg. Medicines,2023.07.-08.: Meforal 500mg 2x1 Restigulin 1x1 Roxera 15mg 1x1 Milurit 300mg 1x1 Frontin 0,5mg 3x1 2017-2022 It happened to me: 40+ Police Control (H,D,NL,F,CZ,SK,A,GB,S,DK, NO). Sweden full body control ZOLL. 4. Police prison. (H,F,GB) 2. Mental ward( D,H) 3. Hospital(D,GB,H) - 2017-2018: I was in Denmark and was offered several jobs. Why not now? One of my cousins(Hankook Rally tyre). Another one is Dudás I. I agreed to take two cars to Germany and bring two back! Végh J. said I won't have a problem! We write paper wanted to work legally! I didn't want to get in trouble! Unfortunately it happened! convicted of embezzlement. When I came back from work, I didn't get my car back (I filed a report with the police. The police did not find it a crime). 0-24 control from 2017, in all EU ! I was regularly in very poor health. My senses were malfunctioning. I see, hear. My head always hurts. I go regularly doctor control. I have no problem ! I have received all the vaccinations against the coronavirus. -1. D. István reserved my car. Police investigation: No crime was committed! itelet.van.hu szaboakos.van.hu -2018: Rest in peace! https://gyertyalang.hu/szemely/142183 István D. He made bargain on police but I hadn't embezzled ! Solved... http://itelet.van.hu Embezzlement 1700 euros. They took my car, it's not a crime. I'm schizophrenic, they haven't tested it. If I'm not schizophrenic, why did I take the medicine for four years? The police took me to the preparatory session, that's all. https://hvg.hu/itthon/20110512_tobb_ev_borton_kristalycukor J. Végh.... 2019: I was in Scandinavia. Wanted by the Hungarian police me ... 1700 euros paid. police officers were sent to me. The police officers checked me. People harassed me regularly. https://www.facebook.com/share/p/1EAZtnfgh9/ Convicted by court: itelet.van.hu -2018-2025: In every country I have are many videos: https://www.facebook.com/share/v/15XKQnzsPF/ For a while I felt that the objects were faster! I recently went to the Copenhagen train station and again. It was very bad! There are many cameras in Scandinavia! I don't think the system is good! Maybe Security could have thought! I think there is something more important than human life. if Hungarian and undesirable. I don't do drugs, I don't steal... I'm a good customer. Every time I want to Hungary Tesc. Aucha. to Shop, I walk in the road, on Both sides of the Cars. When I got to a car, I went, they closed the door (trauma ) tightly. It was a pain that cannot be said. Every time I was on the street with a car flashmob! I sat down on a street next to the Vác Street Tesco, a few minutes and 10-15 CARS (Mercariu. , Lukác. and Tamá., KON... ) came around, and after 20 minutes I Felt Sick. I had a headache, I had to leave. I traveled by Bus,Train to the same feeling (perfume). In Copenhagen( EU similar) at 3 O'Clock in the Morning, I Sat Down on a Street Not Far from the Police. 6 Garbage Cars, 2 Cars with Street Sweeps, 2 Lorry , Buses Came. The Show of Force was held. I Sat Down Copenhagen Railway Station (Hungary Similar) 30-50 People Came, There Was a Demonstration of Strength, I Got Sick (perfume). Göthenborg train station do not! KiI had to move because I couldn't stand it. I was always where there was a security camera, it didn't bother anyone, it makes fear pain for me many people. It's not a Scandinavian problem. Everywhere I've been in Europe, that's what they did to me. I want to live, sleep, work, process the traumas somewhere. in which country they took me to the police station. 1. Hungary 2. France 3. Norway. - Police action: 1. Hungary, 2, Czech Republic, 3. Germany, 4. France, 5. England 6. Austria, 7. Italy, 8. Spain, 9. Netherlands, 10. Denmark, 11. Sweden, 12. Norway.13. Belgium. - Dog attack. Not police!!!: 1. Hungary, 2. Germany, 3. Denmark, 4. Norway( healthcare worker), 5. Belgium(Security guard). 2024. I in port Helsingřr. Policeman woke up me dog alarm. Why? - Which country I was in hospital in: 1. Hungary, 2. Germany, 3. England. I would like to ask for help from the police. I need a doctor, my health is bad. Safe place, Country! I would like to get well, work. If I go home I will die. https://www.facebook.com/share/p/15yZTCNm8B/ This happened in Scandinavia in one year! 24 years! This was stolen: 4 Bycicle (3. I buy, they all in stolen), 2 Mobile Phone (I buyer Hungary), 2 Shoes, 2 Bag, 1 jacket, 3 HDD( mine), 2 HDD, 3 SSD, 4 notebooks DDR RAM, trailer wheel, 3 sims Card(+4515251596076,+36702237670,+36209558461), 2 Tool Kit, 1 padlock, T-shirt, sock, hat, safety vest, 2 knife. I write down the rest.I received gratis: 2.Bycicle(1. They stolen), 2.overalls(1. They Stolen), 1. Coat, 2nd pants, all stolen. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ultrasound """"This sound cannon or speaker exists in military technology and in the entertainment industry, but I have seen an American advertisement where hooligans or graffiti artists are scared away from shops with a similar speaker. """" Yesterday Fisket.... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Infrasound It's not because of me flash mob! I'm always there! In every place where there is internet access, my hearing improve and there will be a show of strength. Door closing competition. Library, store, shopping mall, train, bus. Dispersion! Schizophrenic is not this! Does the camera protect these? Who should I list? Should I post the pictures from my camera? I feel it: I paint little room, full paint thinner . Sounds many times the normal! one year! Is my behavior abnormal? It's a miracle I'm still alive! https://www.facebook.com/share/p/1BmzQHreuc/ Vomiting, diarrhea. Karslunde station. Netto, gym, police. The doors closed tightly. Big noise. It's power demonstrations. Karslunde Circle Truck Parking, FuelStation Similar noise no problem. I sleep. No stress, no para. The place of sleep, next to the high-speed train and the highway, the door is strongly closed. It is doesn't hurt me. What happened? Where there is internet and free food, it is everywhere. (Infra Ultra Sound) . I guess! mass dispersing (bad people go home after the crowd event) device. I going train station when I arrived from Norway. I sat next to the Police Station, I Sit Down in NETTO. I Drank orange Juice. I go way train station. Tivoli Corner crossing, Opposite train station . Something Happened Here! I got through, I turned to the right. 15-20 people came, they walk past me on two sides. It was like a TGV train on both sides. I got in station, I sat down next to a small railway model. Workers came to repair the door (sound is like a dentist). I couldn't send money forex. I want to the police to ask for help, then I didn't talk well. I couldn't speak understandably possibly. Type1: 1 hour takes place: 1. People come to me. male-female me private sphere. 2. Feeling of electric shock. 3. I not find way to go 4. I'm scared. 5. I be aggressive (I hit or run? I run!). 6. Or I want to run away. People are standing in front of me. They want to stop me from leaving. 7. I will have a lot of energy. 8. I am cheerful. A day: 20-35 hours active. sleep problems. 2-3 hours of sleep or 15-20 hours. I often feeling hungover. There are a lot of people around me. a show of force. 3 day not sleep.... Type 2: 1. I go to the, go to the library store, go to the toilet, walk by the road, ride a bicycle, there is a "perfume smell. There are many chemicals in the air. car window washer. This is what I feel", 2. I get very sleepy. 3. I go to sleep, when I get up, 4. I have a headache, I have a hangover, Is a sleeping man, he does not defend. A security camera is not a problem (E.U. shop, library, railway station, etc.) people show of force . I put on a, dashcam , set off on a bike, big problem,people not show of force! Travel (szaboakos.van.hu). Every day. I not sleeping for a long time (noise, etc.). 2. I deep sleep. 30 minutes Alarm!!!! I afraid sleep!!! 24 year. Travel: 1. 30.01.2024. Hu. Gödöllő. Germany, Dk. Copenhagen, S. Helsingborg, Götenborg, N. Oslo, Rĺde, Rygge-Moss. Disabled email. Disabled Wi-Fi. blocked messenger. SMS. I can't live. Slow death at home. Money maximum 3-400 crowns. In such cases, something was stolen. In phone got hacked. I'm not a drug user. 24 hour control! https://www.eppo.europa.eu/hu/node/12 https://da.wikipedia.org/wiki/Skizofreni Illness is a condition! It is not a sin! Don't kill me! I'm not a doctor! I think: cold, inflammation, chemical "perfume", poor hygienic conditions, bad food, noise. In summary: Scandinavia One year! Money hungry people. I don't speak English! The translation contains errors! Write if you see a bad translation!!! Fujinaga Karate Do SE "Musashi-klán" szaboakos.van.hu akos.work.hu

Disciplinary proceedings were initiated because. I used an unprofessional tool. Because there were no tools. The picture shows the kollega own tool. Pince club 96 LTD.Business debate 1998.First, he's a fool. Unemployed for the second time. I'm waiting for the third one.

A weboldal címe

The police, paramedics, didn't know what was wrong! They have seen him behaving strangely! Sorry!

  • I travel to Canada.

    a job ends badly I decided to leave Europe

    In 2018 I felt like leaving Hungary, I wanted to travel to Canada. I bought the air ticket for Budapest – Reykjavik – Toronto. I would have flown to Canada with a transfer in Iceland. Unfortunately I already had problems in Iceland. Two Hungarians arrived, of whom I knew one personally and the other just by hearsay. There were some other people who I have seen since then, they were probably together. Here a psychological warfare started! What happened ? They did not let me sleep, stole some small things from me, for example a phone charger and some clothes. You can live without these, but you start to become suspicious, you start to be scared what else is awaiting you. I spent several days at the airport because I could not move into the accommodation I had booked, so I stayed at the airport. I got into such a state of mind that by the time check-in came, my hands and legs were shaking. Behind me were the two, who must have known what mental state I was in, and they found pleasure in it, they poured, sprinkled me around the waistline with warm water. At that time I did not know that it was water, I thought it was some chemical, and I would be I die. there before boarding the plane. That made me panic even more, I would have preferred to run away. The girl asked her partner what would happen if I managed to get on the plane... Her partner said I would not manage! He proved to be true. Now, let’s return to the story. I was not allowed to get on the plane to Canada, and because of that and the harassments I had been exposed to, I started panicking, and on the way back, thanks to my “benefactors”, I bought an air ticket to London and planned the rest of the journey back home by coach. I was able to get on the London flight but because my ear plugs had also been stolen and I was sitting over the engines, so the noise intensified my already existing panic. It can only be understood by those who have been in a similar situation or who is a specialist . We finally arrived in London at Luton airport. As renovation was going on there I did not really have the opportunity to sit down and relax. I had been away from home for a week by then, and I had not had too much sleep. I started to look for where I could go to sleep. What seemed like a good idea then was going to Heathrow Airport, as it was a bigger space and warm and maybe I could sleep a wee bit. I couldnot get a good asleep there either, maximum for 30 or 40 minutes. I started panicking and become terrified.I badly needed sleeping.I made up my mind to go and look for Flixbus. I went out to the bus stop but I took the wrong bus, and when I realised it, I quickly got off and set out on foot towards the centre of London. As I was walking I saw that more and more people started to walk up and down around me.I do not really know of what! I reached a petrol station. A police car was there, I walked up to it but as I do not speak English I told him silly things and asked him to help! I walked on, all kinds of thoughts raced through my mind, what should I do? A police car came, I stopped it. As I was panicky, they were not too helpful, so I opened the back door and jumped into the seat! I had not done anything! I had never taken any drugs and I had nothing to fear from the cops. In theory! I was taken somewhere, supposedly the police station, but I will never learn it. There was a woman with two kids in the room, and how lucky I was, she happened to be a Hungarian interpreter! There they started my interrogation but at least they did not try to pretend that anybody would be interested in my misery apart from me. I have experienced this since then several times. They asked me why I wanted to speak to them. How can I react to that? I said I do not dare to go out, I am scared, they asked me of what? I said I did not know! I started to make a scene, talked a load of crap, I asked them to take me for a blood test or anywhere else, just not to leave me alone. They said goodbye then! I did not know what to do. I came out of the police station. I was going in one direction, which direction, I was not aware of, I did not care. Cars were coming, the drivers tried to frighten me People shouting. I remember going over a bridge, the people from the bus stop were following me. I kept on for some metres, then all I remember is that my strength failed me and I freely fell flat on the ground! The next picture was that I opened my eyes and did not know where I was, which was understandable, I just kept looking and looking, it felt like being in a box. It turned out, no, not in a box, just in a hospital!I was in diapers My genitals were bleeding. A doctor came and asked me how I was feeling, what could I answer.. Fine, I said. Obviously, I was not feeling well at all, just the opposite. I felt numb, I was hardly alive. Two men came, they were Afro-Americans. They showed me some kind of ID but it might as well have been a library membership card. They asked me if I spoke English, I said no. One of them indicated by putting his forefinger to his mouth that I should not speak, then he made an unmistakable gesture with his finger at his throat that he would cut my throat! They left and I think I fell asleep. Then a nurse came and brought some clothes. She told me to go with her. We went into the lavatory and she gestured to me to take off my clothes and she would replace them. I showed that I need to go to the toilet, she told me do it. I sat down on the toilet seat, somebody came and knocked, then tried to open the door but it was locked. She was banging on the door, I opened it and she started screaming! I didn’t understand what was happening. I changed into the new clothes and lay back in the bed. It was in the afternoon when a guard came and said that I had to leave, now! I didn’t understand, he said others needed the place. The doctor said I had to stay at least until the next day. They took me to another room, gave me back my clothes, I changed, they accompanied me to the door, showed me where the bus I did not receive my backpack (laptop, HDD, mobile phone, clothes, etc.). stop was, and gave me a bag with food. I somehow managed to get to the train or metro, and caught it to get to the coach. I bought a ticket for the coach. It was due to go to Brussels. I only bought a short-distance ticket because I bought a ticket to Germany but the coach didn’t come and the cashier laughed at me. I met Serbians and Hungarians from Vojvodina several times,1700 euros nobody would come to Iceland or Norway to torment me. All sort of jobs have found me but I haven’t been able to find a job by myself for a long time! So if I had a workplace problem it wasn’t by accident. Better safe than sorry, I would rather make small losses several times.

  • To be continued. Köln Germany

    I arrived in Köln, nothing special happened, I still could not sleep. In Cologne I got to the railway station, there obviously I did not sleep, a group of young people came who were playing all night...They worked at the Cologne hospital. they were nurses. I drink a coffee at McDonald's. A lot of sugar was put in it! This was especially good as I have diabetes! I had not slept for several days and the coffee with sugar helped me reach good well-being. My phone was not working, I was on the point of fainting! I wanted to go into the shower room but the owner did not let me in! It would probably have solved my problems only for minutes. As for my appearance, as I wallowed on the ground in London.In hospital I only washed body but could not change my clothes as they were stolen mine is a bag. My hair was not shaggy just because I was bald. My trousers were pants in blood! I was not bleeding any more but I passed blood in my urine and the pants were the same. Then I spoke to a man on the phone (Derby log). So I was in my train station where I almost fainted! As there were no seats free I sat down on the ground. That is when the security guards came and told me to stand up! I stood up but had no strength so I often had to sit down, and the security guards came again! The point is I almost fainted and panicked, that is when I went up to the policemen. I told them that I was very scared and asked for help. I was panicking! It was like a film shooting, there were a lot of policemen, they were marching maybe it was really a film. I fainted! I often had to sit down, and the security guards came again!So I was scared, I knew that I shouldn’t escape or hide, because it is safe here, so is the neighborhood. I went to the river bank, I wanted to wash myself. The water was so cold that when I put my hand in, it was hurting. I saw that under the bridge the pillar was big and what’s more protected from the wind. I went up to the bridge and there was a gap as big as allowed me to climb down to the pillar. Before I could survey the place, came a fire-fighting boat, and then the police. They helped me up the bridge, then took me to an ambulance. I wanted to leave, the policeman didn’t touch me but always stood in front of me! I wasn’t in a state to protest. I was taken to a secure ward, and I wasn’t let out for four days, my roommate threatened me from time to time, he wanted to take away my phone. Not that he needed it, just for the sake that I wouldn’t have it. I was let out because my photo was put on Facebook and that they were looking for me. I stayed at Cologne airport for some days, I bought a sleeping bag and slept on a bench. I tried to sleep where I bought the sleeping bag. Many Cars were coming, slamming doors nervously. It hurt me. I not on know sleep. I go back in Köln airpot. I didn’t want to go home because it was no question that all this happened because of Hungarians (since then I have know because of whom). My fear was founded! I went home and because my keys had also been stolen, I couldn’t get into the flat. I didn’t have too much money, so I went to the hospital. I had been treated there for four years before because the doctor thought I was paranoid. I went in and I was put in a secure ward. I didn’t understand! The judge and lawyer said it was justified! I went to the hospital voluntarily, I was exhausted, but I knew what I was doing! There was a courtroom man in the hospital room, a man from Csömör (I see him in Iceland!) A doctor he let me out of the hospital, I went home. I broke the door, there was no key!



    2019-2022 later, they chased with dogs me (In Hungary, Germany, Belgium, England, Holland, France,Sweden, Norway, Denmark).

    They did not return my car.I got it back after a year,I gave it away.No crime was committed....

    I had a health problem for three years

    My for three years eyes became sensitive to light. I was disturbed by fast moving vehicles a bright light hit my eyes, I felt as if I had been stabbed in the eye.My hearing was also very good.To a loud noise, As if the ear me had been pierced.
    This for 1700 euro problem......


    Questions: If, I am schizophrenic, the court did not have to consider it. Because of the pharma and my mental state, was I able to assess what I was doing?

    I Go Gödöllő 150€ cash! I am going to Oslo by bus. Unfortunately, the bicycle is unusable, there are no brakes, and a gear shifter is needed. Bycicle trailer damaged, a wheel was stolen.. Göteborg -Oslo bus... I went to Oslo twice. I became schizophrenic. Once in I going Island , I became schizophrenic.... I started in March out Hungary. Messenger,SMS,Call does not work, public WIFI blocked. They stole all Mobile phones, SIM card(+36702237670,+36209558461,+4915251596076), my media.....My mental state has improved a lot. However, I was subjected to 24-hour 24 years harassment(24:00-02:00 not sleeping. Nor in Scandinavian). There was no medicine! I wrote alcohol 9 times (wine, beer, cider).My last scandinavian trip 2019-2020, 30 police, military checks(Denmark, Sweden, Norway). image uploaded. In 2019-2020, I had money and a job. I slept in the car. Sorry! 2024 I found everything in the waste container. I do not stolen!

    Tel.: +4591116818